Well here we are, wondering whether this current three-day Level 3 Lockdown for Auckland (and Level 2 for the rest of New Zealand) will be extended at the Prime Minister’s announcement later today.
It’s an anxious time for many, wondering whether a stricter or longer lockdown will become a reality. We got through it before, and we can do it again – but that does not diminish the fact that many of us will be feeling a bit on edge and nervous about today’s announcement.
What does this mean if you’re in the process of buying property?
Since the beginning of the pandemic last year we’ve been advising clients to include a Covid clause when purchasing property, so that there are no issues with late settlement due to potential Covid lockdowns. There needn’t be major delays even if we are in lockdown – as long as you have completed the AML requirements at the bank (essentially, providing proof of identity) all other settlement activities can be undertaken remotely with lawyers.
It’s only when it comes to actually moving house that Alert Levels 3 and 4 are an issue due to distancing. At Level 4 it’s deemed to be a non essential activity. At Level 2 and 3 you are still able to move house, as long as you maintain physical distancing.
Obviously, adding a Covid lockdown into the mix causes additional stress at a time which is already going to be pretty stressful even when things are going smoothly! Buying a house and moving is a big deal. Don’t be too disheartened though, it’s still possible for property sales to go through even if we are in lockdown, and there’s a good chance that our Alert Levels won’t change with today’s announcement.
We are here to help you through the process, we have done it before even if you haven’t, so lean on us.