World Financial Planning Day is a global event, the aim being to raise awareness of the value of financial planning.
As you’ll know if you follow our blog, we’re always on about this! We want you to understand your financial situation, and to feel empowered when it comes to making decisions about your financial future. We believe that no matter your financial starting point, you can build towards the life you want. We see financial planning as a long-term project, not a one-off event! Every step you take towards financial literacy is a step towards your financial freedom.
Here is a list of 20 things to do on World Financial Planning Day. Could be a busy day! Perhaps you could choose a few from the list to get started with.
3. Write down your long-term life and financial goals.
Include them in your journal, along with a timeline for achieving them.
6. Make an extra credit card payment.
If you carry a balance on your credit cards, use World Financial Planning Day to start paying down the card with the highest interest charge.
17. Talk money with your child
Does your child understand the concept of saving money? Use World Financial Planning Day to help your child open a savings account and understand the basics of paying bills and building credit.
You could even skip to the last one on the list …
20. Make an appointment with a financial adviser
The good news is that those who get professional financial advice are more likely to feel happy with their financial position and better prepared for the future than those who don’t. They feel more confident in their financial decision making, in control, and clearer about their finances.
Booking an appointment with us for a chat is as easy as choosing your preferred time at the Calendly Booking button at the bottom of the page. You can choose from a brief phone call to a longer face-to-face meeting with Elise.
We are here to empower you to feel confident and in control, and we look forward to sharing the journey with you. We will be there to guide you through the tricky bits, and to celebrate your successes!